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Showing posts from March, 2018

Logan Lucky movie replay

로건 럭키 다시보기 한국어 설명 보기 Logan Lucky replay Synopsis One brother, Jimmy Logan (Chanting Tatum), who was kicked out of work one day, plans to hank his own brother, Logan, who lost his hand and bought a day with his bartender, his brother Clyde Logan (Adam Driver) When I was working as a repair worker in the racing stadium, Jimmy Logan, who learned how the money in the stadiums gathered in the underground safe, was a lifetime .. Korean Title (제목) 로건 럭키 Korean Summary(줄거리) 하루 아침에 직장에서 쫓겨난 형 지미 로건 (채닝 테이텀) 한쪽 손을 잃고 바텐더로 하루 벌어 하루 사는 동생 클라이드 로건 (아담 드라이버)별 볼일 없이 살던 로건 형제가 인생을 역전시킬 한탕을 계획한다! 레이싱 경기장에서 보수 공사 인부로 일하던 중 경기장 곳곳의 돈이 어떻게 지하 금고로 모이는지 알게 된 지미 로건은 일생일대 .. Replay the movie (로건 럭키 다시보기 ) replay link #1 replay link #2 replay link #3 replay link #4 Info This site is designed for English users who want to study Korean. Study Korean with interesting movies. All movies are in Korean, or Korean subtitles are provided. How to use Videos are best viewed on ...

Proud Mary movie replay

프라우드 메리 다시보기 한국어 설명 보기 Froude Mary replay Synopsis Movie information Basic information Korean audience rating: 3.0 / 10 Genre: Action, Thriller Year of production: 2018 Country: United States Running time: 89 minutes Cast: Tara J. P. Henson, Neil McDonough, Danny Glover, Zander Berkeley, Billy Brown, Margaret Avery, Tay Duncan, Paul Schiff, Glen S. Gayner Audience Rating ... More photos Korean Title (제목) 프라우드 메리 Korean Summary(줄거리) Korean Review (평점) 한국 관객 평점 : 3.0 / 10 Korean Rating (후기) ... Replay the movie (프라우드 메리 다시보기 ) replay link #1 replay link #2 replay link #3 Info This site is designed for English users who want to study Korean. Study Korean with interesting movies. All movies are in Korean, or Korean subtitles are provided. How to use Videos are best viewed on the Chrome browser. If the video is slow, pause for a while and press the play button again. If you click the play butt...

cheese in the trap movie replay

치즈인더트랩 다시보기 한국어 설명 보기 Cheese in the traps replay alt = 'Cheese in the trap' style ='max- width: 250px; min-width: 0px; onError = ' = "none"' /> Synopsis A cool look hidden behind a soft smile. "Yoo Jung (Park Hae-jin)" who wanted to avoid suddenly approached me and began to speak. We eat together, we work together, and we watch movies on the basis of class homework. Or is there another reason? Or is it really me ...? "So, will you come with me?" I caught a sweet trap of a perfect but dangerous senior! Korean Title (제목) 치즈인더트랩 Korean Summary(줄거리) 부드러운 미소 뒤에 숨겨진 싸늘한 모습. 피하고 싶은 '유정(박해진)' 선배가 갑자기 나에게 다가와 말을 걸기 시작했다. 함께 밥 먹고, 함께 과제하고, 조별 숙제 핑계로 영화도 보고...그가 달라진 걸까. 아님 다른 꿍꿍이가 있는 걸까. 아니면 정말 나를...?"설아, 나랑 사귈래?"완벽하지만 위험한 선배의 달콤한 덫에 걸렸다! Replay the movie (치즈인더트랩 다시보기 ) replay link #1 replay link #2 replay link #3 Info This site is designed for English users who want to study ...

Unpretty social star movie replay

언프리티 소셜 스타 다시보기 한국어 설명 보기 Unprety social star replay Synopsis The perfect SNS star 'Taylor' from head to toe, with only 26 million followers! Ingrid wants to live like a movie by enjoying cool and beautiful things but she can not do it. Everything from appearance to taste and fashion style follows Taylor who is a wannabie. She dreams a wonderful life like her. I want to go to Los Angeles ... Korean Title (제목) 언프리티 소셜 스타 Korean Summary(줄거리) 팔로워만 26만, 머리부터 발끝까지 완벽한 SNS스타 '테일러'!팔로잉만 천명!? 습관적으로 '좋아요'만 누르는 SNS홀릭 '잉그리드'!쿨하고 예쁜 것만 즐기며 영화처럼 살고 싶지만 뜻대로 될 리 없던 잉그리드는 외모, 취향, 패션 스타일까지 모든 것이 워너비인 테일러를 팔로우하다 그녀처럼 멋진 삶을 꿈꾸며 무작정 LA로 떠나 .. Replay the movie (언프리티 소셜 스타 다시보기 ) replay link #1 replay link #2 replay link #3 Info This site is designed for English users who want to study Korean. Study Korean with interesting movies. All movies are in Korean, or Korean subtitles are provided. How to use Videos are best viewed on the Chro...

Wonder Truck movie replay

원더스트럭 다시보기 한국어 설명 보기 Wonder Truck replay Synopsis In 1977, a boy who lost his mother in an unfortunate accident, a book containing clues to his father that he had never seen in a mom's chest of drawers [Wonder Truck] And finds the address of a bookstore and leaves for New York. In 1927, the girl, Rose, who had been under strict control of his father, rushed out of the house and headed for New York alone one day after seeing an actress' A boy and a girl, headed for New York, with their swollen hopes, will meet at the Natural History Museum for over 50 years ... "The world is truly amazing!" Korean Title (제목) 원더스트럭 Korean Summary(줄거리) 우연보다 놀라운 인연,우린 만나게 되어 있었다!1977년, 불의의 사고로 엄마를 잃은 소년 '벤'은 우연히 엄마의 서랍장 속에서 한 번도 본 적 없는 아빠에 대한 단서가 담긴 책 [원더스트럭]과 한 서점의 주소를 발견하고 뉴욕으로 떠난다. 1927년, 엄격한 아버지의 통제를 받던 소녀 '로즈'는 어느 날, 자신이 선망하는 여배우의 공연 기사를 보고 무작정 집을 뛰쳐나와 홀로 뉴욕으로 향한다. 부푼 소망을 안고 뉴욕으로 향한 소년과 소녀, 이 둘은 50년을 뛰어넘어 자연사박물관에서 만나게 되는데… "세상은 정말 놀라움 투성이야!"...

Commuter movie replay

커뮤터 다시보기 한국어 설명 보기 Commuter replay Synopsis A 30-minute time limit, a former hostage police officer Michael (Liam Nisson) Korean Title (제목) 커뮤터 Korean Summary(줄거리) 제한 시간 30분, 가족이 인질로 잡힌 전직 경찰 마이클(리암 니슨)이 사상 최악의 열차 테러범들에게 맞서는 초대형 액션 블록버스터 Replay the movie (커뮤터 다시보기 ) replay link #1 replay link #2 replay link #3 Info This site is designed for English users who want to study Korean. Study Korean with interesting movies. All movies are in Korean, or Korean subtitles are provided. How to use Videos are best viewed on the Chrome browser. If the video is slow, pause for a while and press the play button again. If you click the play button of the image, the ad may come out. Please close it. Important We are not responsible for any content that is linked or linked to this website or other linked sites. This website does not store media files, such as music, videos, or music. We are also not responsible for copyrighted, legitimate, accurate, co...

The Post movie replay

더 포스트 다시보기 한국어 설명 보기 More post-replay Synopsis "If we do not report, we will lose and the people will lose." In 1971, the "Pentagon Paper" scandal of the New York Times overturned the US, which led to Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy and Johnson. As the secrets of the Vietnam War, which has been hidden for 30 years, are known, the government banned related reports, and the editor of the controversial Washington Post, Ben (Tom Hanks ... Korean Title (제목) 더 포스트 Korean Summary(줄거리) "우리가 보도하지 않으면, 우리가 지고, 국민이 지는 겁니다."1971년, 뉴욕 타임즈의 '펜타곤 페이퍼' 특종 보도로 미 전역이 발칵 뒤집힌다.트루먼, 아이젠하워, 케네디, 존슨에 이르는 네 명의 대통령이 30년간 감춰온 베트남 전쟁의 비밀이 알려지자 정부는 관련 보도를 금지시키고, 경쟁지 워싱턴 포스트의 편집장 '벤'(톰 행크스.. Replay the movie (더 포스트 다시보기 ) replay link #1 replay link #2 Info This site is designed for English users who want to study Korean. Study Korean with interesting movies. All movies are in Korean, or Korean subtitles are provided. How to use Vide...

All the money movie replay

올 더 머니 다시보기 한국어 설명 보기 All the money replay Synopsis The most famous chaebol, the third kidnapping, is a kidnapping of the grandson of J. Paul Getty, who became the world's richest man in the oil business, for $ 17 million (18.6 billion won) While the world is paying attention to the negotiations of the previous class of Getty III, J. Paul Getty asserts that he can not give a single penny, and Gail is negotiating with former CIA agent Fletcher to save his son ... The mystery of the ransom negotiation of the world is revealed! Korean Title (제목) 올 더 머니 Korean Summary(줄거리) 역사상 가장 유명한 재벌 3세 유괴 실화!석유 사업으로 세계 최고의 부자가 된 J. 폴 게티의 손자가 유괴되는 사건이 발생한다.유괴범이 요구한 몸값은 1,700만 달러(186억 원).전 세계가 게티 3세의 역대급 몸값 협상에 주목하는 가운데 J. 폴 게티는 단 한 푼도 줄 수 없다고 단언하고, 게일은 아들을 구하기 위해 전직 CIA요원 플레처와 함께 협상에 나서는데…세상을 떠들썩하게 한 몸값 협상의 비밀이 밝혀진다! Replay the movie (올 더 머니 다시보기 ) replay link #1 replay link #2 replay link #3 Info This site is designed for English users who want to study Korean. S...

Mountain movie replay

마운틴 다시보기 한국어 설명 보기 Mountain replay Synopsis is a mysterious work that I can not imagine how it would be possible to shoot such a magnificent mountain which is considered high in the world with the beautiful performance of the Australian chamber orchestra. I can once again feel the wonders of nature that can never be created by human power. Korean Title (제목) 마운틴 Korean Summary(줄거리) 전 세계에서 높다고 평가되는 산들의 웅장함을 호주 체임버 오케스트라의 아름다운 연주와 함께 보여주는 은 어떻게 저런 촬영이 가능할까 의문이 드는 신비로운 작품이다. 인간의 힘으로 절대 만들 수 없는 자연의 경이로움을 다시 한번 느낄 수 있다. Replay the movie (마운틴 다시보기 ) replay link #1 Info This site is designed for English users who want to study Korean. Study Korean with interesting movies. All movies are in Korean, or Korean subtitles are provided. How to use Videos are best viewed on the Chrome browser. If the video is slow, pause for a while and press the play button again. If you click the play button of the image, the ad may come out. Please close it. Importan...

Tongue movie replay

염력 다시보기 한국어 설명 보기 Tear replay Synopsis One day, suddenly, a strange change comes to his body, a remarkable ability to move things by his thought, which is the beginning of his tongue. On the other hand, 'civil affairs' (Kim Min-jae) and' Hong (Jung Yoon-kyung) and his neighbors are in crisis ... "Daehan", "Lumi" and "Jung-hyun" (Park Jung-min) I can not help but wake up! " Korean Title (제목) 염력 Korean Summary(줄거리) 평범한 은행 경비원 '석헌'(류승룡).어느 날 갑자기 그의 몸에 이상한 변화가 찾아온다.생각만으로 물건을 움직이는 놀라운 능력, 바로 염력이 생긴 것.한편, '민사장'(김민재)과 '홍상무'(정유미)에 의해'석헌'의 딸, 청년 사장 '루미'(심은경)와 이웃들이 위기에 처하게 되고...'석헌'과 '루미', 그리고 변호사 '정현'(박정민)이 그들에 맞서며 놀라운 일이 펼쳐지는데...!어제까진 초평범, 하루아침에 초능력이제 그의 염력이 폭발한다! Replay the movie (염력 다시보기 ) replay link #1 replay link #2 replay link #3 Info This site is designed for English users who want to study Korean. Study Korean with interesting movies. All m...

Ai, Tonya movie replay

아이, 토냐 다시보기 한국어 설명 보기 Ai, Tonya replay Synopsis Tony Harding, the world's first enthusiast to win a triple axel in the world championship, is a nerd and a skateboarder, Nancy Carrigan assault case in the championship to win the right to engage in the event. Tonga Harding, who is at the center of all scandals, Movie information Basic information Korean audience rating: 8.3 / 10 Genre: Drama Year of production: 2018 Country: United States Running time: 120 minutes Cast: Margo Robbie, Sebastian Stan, McKenna Grace, Ellison Jenny, Vaizana Novakovic, Tom Ace Curley, Margo Robbie, Stephen Rogers, Brian Unchelis Audience Rating There are not as many political jobs as elite sports. There is no such movie at this time of the PyeongChang Olympics. Awesome acting ending points Awesome Oh, I look forward to it. When you work, do not put a fool at your side. A brutal monster, A devious and violent husband, The good news, Unfair Ice Federation ...

I'll tell you now movie replay

지금부터 들려줄게 록샌의 이야기 다시보기 한국어 설명 보기 I'll tell you now Roksan's story replay Synopsis Movie information Basic information Korean audience rating: 0.0 / 10 Genre: Drama Year of production: 2017 Country: United States Running time: 99 minutes Cast: Audience Rating More photos Korean Title (제목) 지금부터 들려줄게 록샌의 이야기 Korean Summary(줄거리) Korean Review (평점) 한국 관객 평점 : 0.0 / 10 Korean Rating (후기) Replay the movie (지금부터 들려줄게 록샌의 이야기 다시보기 ) replay link #1 Info This site is designed for English users who want to study Korean. Study Korean with interesting movies. All movies are in Korean, or Korean subtitles are provided. How to use Videos are best viewed on the Chrome browser. If the video is slow, pause for a while and press the play button again. If you click the play button of the image, the ad may come out. Please close it. Important We are not responsible for any content that is linked or linked to...

Game Over movie replay

게임 오버 다시보기 한국어 설명 보기 Game over replay Synopsis Movie information Basic information Korean audience rating: 8.0 / 10 Genre: Action, Comedy Year of production: 2018 Country: United States Running time: 100 minutes Cast: Adam DeVine, Anders Home, Blake Anderson, Steve Escobar, Aya Cash, Rosie Munillo, Blake Anderson, Ella Bush, Adam DeVine Audience Rating Netflix movies are only attractive to Netflix. The movie is something fresh. More photos Korean Title (제목) 게임 오버 Korean Summary(줄거리) Korean Review (평점) 한국 관객 평점 : 8.0 / 10 Korean Rating (후기) 넷플릭스 영화는 넷플릭스만의 매력이 있다. 영화가 뭔가 신선하다. Replay the movie (게임 오버 다시보기 ) replay link #1 replay link #2 Info This site is designed for English users who want to study Korean. Study Korean with interesting movies. All movies are in Korean, or Korean subtitles are provided. How to use Videos are best viewed on the Chrome browser. If the video is slow, pause for a while a...

Miracle at Nemiya General Store movie replay

나미야 잡화점의 기적 다시보기 한국어 설명 보기 Miraculous replay of Namie General Store Synopsis A miracle secret comes to mind at the end of the relationship that started with the past counseling letter 32 years ago! The three-member thief Atsiya, Shota, and Gohei who happened to be hiding in the Nemiya general store were sent to the fish shop musician You will receive a voucher. They find out that the letter they opened with curiosity was written 32 years ago, and that their replies, which they had been joking about, affect the past and the present, while the letter arrives again and again, I know that it is connected by a non-existent relationship ... Korean Title (제목) 나미야 잡화점의 기적 Korean Summary(줄거리) 32년 전 과거의 상담 편지로 시작된 인연그 끝에 기적 같은 비밀이 찾아온다!우연히 나미야 잡화점에 숨어 든 3인조 도둑 아츠야, 쇼타, 고헤이는 잡화점 문 틈으로 생선가게 뮤지션이라고 이름이 적힌 편지 한 통을 받게 된다. 이들은 호기심에 열어본 편지가 32년 전에 쓰여진 사실을 알게 되고, 자신들이 장난 삼아 보낸 답장이 과거와 현재에 영향을 준다는 것을 깨닫는다.그러는 사이 또다시 편지가 도착하고, 이곳에서 벌어진 일들이 모두 우연이 아닌 하나의 인연으로 연결된 것임을 알게 되는데... Rep...

Western Europe Girl Country movie replay

서유기여아국 다시보기 한국어 설명 보기 Western-style girl station replay Synopsis Movie information Basic information Korean audience rating: 6.3 / 10 Genres: Comedy, Fantasy, Romance / Melo Year of production: 2018 Country: China Running time: null minutes Cast: Kwak Bum-sung, Fung Sobong, Joo Young Young, Son Shenyang, Later, Lingling, Yang Young Ki, Ryu Tao Audience Rating I was surprised when I rated it Sequel Expectations ~ More photos Korean Title (제목) 서유기여아국 Korean Summary(줄거리) Korean Review (평점) 한국 관객 평점 : 6.3 / 10 Korean Rating (후기) 내가 언제 평점 달았나 깜짝 놀람 ㅋㅋ 속편 기대~ Replay the movie (서유기여아국 다시보기 ) replay link #1 replay link #2 replay link #3 replay link #4 Info This site is designed for English users who want to study Korean. Study Korean with interesting movies. All movies are in Korean, or Korean subtitles are provided. How to use Videos are best viewed on the Chrome browser. If the video is slow, pa...

puzzle movie replay

퍼즐 다시보기 한국어 설명 보기 Puzzle replay Synopsis "A young mentor, I thought I had everything in my super-fast promotion." A man who seems to have everything, "Dojun", but he's going to be a geese dad and he gets worse. One day she drank alcohol alone and roamed the lady of questioning "sophistication" and was attracted by her charming appearance that she made a case. Movie information Basic information Korean audience rating: 7.6 / 10 Genre: Mystery, Thriller Year of production: 2017 Country: Korea Running Time: 90 minutes Cast: Ji Seung Hyun, Kang Ki Young, Ise Mi Audience Rating Shake the hardened genre ~ My favorite thriller water is out in a long time. It seems that Namju is a province of North Korea. It's a funny thriller, but it's a fun movie. I watched thriller water from beginning to end. I feel like I can concentrate on getting tension to the end. Okay. What is the main character? The ch...

A species movie replay

관종 다시보기 한국어 설명 보기 Race replay Synopsis Exciting! Without a hitch! Balthasar and Lisa, who want to get popular on social networks One day when their friends were found dead and their girlfriend Julia was taken into a coma by drug addiction, And 'Reese' and starts the investigation.I feel that the images uploaded by 'Balthasar' during the investigation are inexcusable, but when I can not find the exact evidence! The dangerous video starts to live on SNS ... Movie information Basic information Korean audience rating: 8.7 / 10 Genre: Crime, Thriller Year of production: 2015 Country: United Kingdom Running time: 92 minutes Cast: Jackson Views, Indiana Isle, Nev McIntosh, Olivia Hotse, Leonard Fighting, Rollo Skinner, Janet Wells, Grant Bradley, Audience Rating India Eyes so good. I'm attracted to the trailer. This is a great movie. More photos Korean Title (제목) 관종 Korean Summary(줄거리) 짜릿하게! 거침없이! 자극적으로!소셜 ...

Maze Runner: Des Cure movie replay

메이즈 러너: 데스 큐어 다시보기 한국어 설명 보기 Maze Runner: Death Cure replay Synopsis Check the end of the maze! Thomas (Dillon O'Brien) and runners are heading for the 'last city' with the headquarters of 'Wicked' to save 'Minho' (Lee Ki Hong) caught by a mysterious organization 'Wicked'. Thomas and the runners who are aware of the dangerous plan of 'Wicked' who have the fate of mankind prepare for the final battle, but 'Thomas' falls into dilemma before friends and mankind's destiny ... Korean Title (제목) 메이즈 러너: 데스 큐어 Korean Summary(줄거리) 미로의 끝을 확인하라! 미스터리한 조직 '위키드'에게 잡힌 '민호'(이기홍)를 구하기 위해 '토마스'(딜런 오브라이언)와 러너들은 '위키드'의 본부가 있는 '최후의 도시'로 향한다. 인류의 운명이 걸린 '위키드'의 위험한 계획을 알게 된 '토마스'와 러너들은 마지막 사투를 준비하지만, '토마스'는 친구와 인류의 운명 앞에서 딜레마에 빠지게 되는데… Replay the movie (메이즈 러너: 데스 큐어 다시보기 ) replay link #1 replay link #2 replay link #3 Info This site is designed for Englis...

Compatibility movie replay

궁합 다시보기 한국어 설명 보기 Compatibility replay Synopsis "There is an affinity for all the ties of the world!" Have you seen the coronation? The king (Kim Sang-kyung), who believes that only the souls of Songhwa-Ongju (Shim Eun-kyung) will resolve the drought, while the severe famine lasted for a while, and Seo Do Yun (Lee Seung- I will take on the solution of the candidates of Buma and Songhwa-Ongg .. Korean Title (제목) 궁합 Korean Summary(줄거리) "세상의 모든 인연에는 궁합이 있다!" 제작진의 역학 시리즈! 관상은 잘 보았소? 이제 궁합을 봐드리지!극심한 흉년이 지속되던 조선시대, 송화옹주(심은경)의 혼사만이 가뭄을 해소할 것이라 믿는 왕(김상경)은 대대적인 부마 간택을 실시하고, 조선 최고의 역술가 서도윤(이승기)은 부마 후보들과 송화옹주의 궁합풀이를 맡게 .. Replay the movie (궁합 다시보기 ) replay link #1 replay link #2 Info This site is designed for English users who want to study Korean. Study Korean with interesting movies. All movies are in Korean, or Korean subtitles are provided. How to use Videos are best viewed on the Chrome browser. If the video is slow, pause for a...

Crazy In Love movie replay

크레이지 인 러브 다시보기 한국어 설명 보기 Crazy in Love replay Synopsis After he came into me, I lost my temper, Felicia, a nurse who does not believe in love, and she accidentally meets her reporter, Dimitri, in the hospital, I am caught up in it, but I am afraid of the night because of the confusion and loneliness caused by the drifting of war spaces in each country. Movie information Basic information Korean audience rating: 10.0 / 10 Genre: Romance / Melo Year of production: 2017 Country: France Running time: 71 minutes Cast: Eloise Bali, Fabien Anvar Audience Rating Exceeding expectations!! More photos Korean Title (제목) 크레이지 인 러브 Korean Summary(줄거리) 그가 내 안에 들어온 후 난 이성을 잃었다.사랑을 믿지 않는 간호사, 펠리시아그녀는 병원에서 종군기자 디미트리를 우연히 만나고 서로의 매력에 끌려 열정적인 섹스를 탐닉하게 된다.그녀는 통제 불능의 욕망에 사로잡히지만,각국의 전쟁지로 떠도는 그로 인해혼란과 외로움으로 밤을 지새우는데… Korean Review (평점) 한국 관객 평점 : 10.0 / 10 Korean Rating (후기) 기대이상입니다~! Replay the movie (크레이지 인 러브 다시보기 ) replay lin...