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Showing posts from August, 2018

A denomination movie replay

무문관 다시보기 한국어 설명 보기 Rehearsal Synopsis Even if you look into it, you will find a secretive, private seclusion 'secretary' that is 'never tabooed'! There are 48 gates in Maju, the gate does not exist in this world, When they pass, they become dragons and Buddhas. In this place where all the world's fertilization has been broken, the monastery will open its doors for a period of 1000 days! 11 monks start a noble battle with them in the lock-in-reserve. Is it? Korean Title (제목) 무문관 Korean Summary(줄거리) 들여다 보는 것조차 '절대금기' 되는 독방,비밀스러운 특수 선방(禪房) '무문관'이 공개된다!마주서는 48개의 관문.그 문(門)은 이 세상에 존재하지 않는다.하지만 그 문을 통과하면 용(龍)이 되고 부처가 된다. 세상의 모든 시비가 끊어진 이곳에서 그 문을 여는데 주어진 기간은 1000일!자물쇠 채운 선방 안, 11명의 스님들이 자신과의 숭고한 싸움을 시작한다.과연 몇 명의 스님들이 1000일 후 그 문을 열고 나올 것인가? Replay the movie (무문관 다시보기 ) replay link #1 Info This site is designed for English users who want to study Korean. Study Korean with interesting movies. All movies are in Korean, or Kore...

Watkins U Alive movie replay

왓 킵스 유 얼라이브 다시보기 한국어 설명 보기 Watkins U Alive replay Synopsis Movie information Basic information Korean audience rating: 0.0 / 10 Genre: Thriller Year of production: 2018 Country: Canada Running time: null minutes Players: Hannah Emily Anderson, Britten Allen, Martha McAuch, Joey Klein, Charlotte Lindsay Marlon, Chris Ball, Curtis David Hader, Ben Kennedy, Audience Rating More photos Korean Title (제목) 왓 킵스 유 얼라이브 Korean Summary(줄거리) Korean Review (평점) 한국 관객 평점 : 0.0 / 10 Korean Rating (후기) Replay the movie (왓 킵스 유 얼라이브 다시보기 ) replay link #1 Info This site is designed for English users who want to study Korean. Study Korean with interesting movies. All movies are in Korean, or Korean subtitles are provided. How to use Videos are best viewed on the Chrome browser. If the video is slow, pause for a while and press the play button again. If you click the play button of the image, the ad may come out. Pleas...

Megalopon movie replay

메가로돈 다시보기 한국어 설명 보기 Mega Money replay Synopsis Eat everything! A submarine expedition that is exploring the deep sea as part of an international underwater observational program is attacked by giant creatures. Emergent deep-sea rescue expert Jonas (Jason Stadem) claims that it is a 'megalodon' known to have been extinct 2 million years ago. No one wants to believe, but Jonas faces the greatest and greatest predator in history for the second time ... Korean Title (제목) 메가로돈 Korean Summary(줄거리) 모든 것을 먹어 치운다!국제 해저 관측 프로그램으로 일환으로 심해를 탐사 중인 해저 탐험대는 정체 모를 거대 생물에게 공격을 당한다. 긴급 투입된 심해 구조 전문가 조나스(제이슨 스타뎀)는 그것이 200만년 전 멸종된 것으로 알려진 '메가로돈'임을 주장한다. 아무도 믿으려 하지 않지만, 조나스는 역사상 가장 위대하고 가장 거대한 포식자와 두 번째로 마주하는 것인데… Replay the movie (메가로돈 다시보기 ) replay link #1 Info This site is designed for English users who want to study Korean. Study Korean with interesting movies. All movies are in Korean, or Korean subtitles are provided. How to use Videos are best ...

Adrift: The Sea with us movie replay

어드리프트:우리가 함께한 바다 다시보기 한국어 설명 보기 Adrift: Sea replay with us Synopsis The New York Times Bestseller Original story Impressing true story Love story! In the fantastic island of Tahiti, a free woman 'Tammy' resembling the sea in love like a fate and a delicate man who loves the sea 'Richard' sail along the yacht and start a 6,500km long voyage. The lover, enjoying the best time of his life on the sea, meets the worst hurricane of the unexpected in the middle of the South Pacific ... Love does not forsake us. Movie information Basic information Korean audience rating: 8.0 / 10 Genre: Romance / Melo, drama Year of production: 2018 Country: United States Running time: 97 minutes Elliott Hawthorne, Grace Palmer, Aaron Candell, Jordan Candel, Baltazar Korumakur, Ralph Winter Audience Rating Not really! Samchekemeye raveling public ♥ Not really! 꺜 Sam and Sheila! gravity More photos Korean Title (제목) 어드리프트:우리가...

Downer Dark Hall movie replay

다운 어 다크 홀 다시보기 한국어 설명 보기 Down the Dark Hall replay Synopsis Movie information Basic information Korean audience rating: 0.0 / 10 Genre: Fantasy, Horror, Thriller, Drama Year of production: 2018 Country: United States Running time: null minutes Audience Rating More photos Korean Title (제목) 다운 어 다크 홀 Korean Summary(줄거리) Korean Review (평점) 한국 관객 평점 : 0.0 / 10 Korean Rating (후기) Replay the movie (다운 어 다크 홀 다시보기 ) replay link #1 replay link #2 replay link #3 replay link #4 Info This site is designed for English users who want to study Korean. Study Korean with interesting movies. All movies are in Korean, or Korean subtitles are provided. How to use Videos are best viewed on the Chrome browser. If the video is slow, pause for a while and press the play button again. If you click the play button of the image, the ad may come out. Please close it. Important We are not responsible for any content that ...

Fei Fei: North and South Heroes movie replay

황비홍:남북영웅 다시보기 한국어 설명 보기 Fei Fei: An inter-Korean hero Synopsis Korean Title (제목) 황비홍:남북영웅 Korean Summary(줄거리) Replay the movie (황비홍:남북영웅 다시보기 ) replay link #1 replay link #2 replay link #3 replay link #4 Info This site is designed for English users who want to study Korean. Study Korean with interesting movies. All movies are in Korean, or Korean subtitles are provided. How to use Videos are best viewed on the Chrome browser. If the video is slow, pause for a while and press the play button again. If you click the play button of the image, the ad may come out. Please close it. Important We are not responsible for any content that is linked or linked to this website or other linked sites. This website does not store media files, such as music, videos, or music. We are also not responsible for copyrighted, legitimate, accurate, compliant, or linked content on other websites. If you have a legal issue, please contact the appropriate me...

Hip-hop after-party movie replay

힙합 애프터 파티 다시보기 한국어 설명 보기 Hip-hop after-party replay Synopsis A film about a young man's dreams of rapper Movie information Basic information Korean audience rating: 0.0 / 10 Genre: Comedy Year of production: 2018 Country: United States Running time: 89 minutes Cast: Kyle, Shelly Henick, Amine Joseph, Blair Underwood, Teena Taylor, Doug Banker, Trevor Engelson, Katie McNeill, Audience Rating More photos Korean Title (제목) 힙합 애프터 파티 Korean Summary(줄거리) 래퍼를 꿈꾸는 청년의 에피소드를 코믹하게 다룬 영화 Korean Review (평점) 한국 관객 평점 : 0.0 / 10 Korean Rating (후기) Replay the movie (힙합 애프터 파티 다시보기 ) replay link #1 replay link #2 replay link #3 replay link #4 Info This site is designed for English users who want to study Korean. Study Korean with interesting movies. All movies are in Korean, or Korean subtitles are provided. How to use Videos are best viewed on the Chrome browser. If the video is slow, pause for a while and press th...

Ocean's 8 movie replay

오션스8 다시보기 한국어 설명 보기 Oceanus 8 replay Synopsis Steal the diamond necklace of $ 150,000! Is that the only goal? The debutante 'Devi Ocean' (Sandra Block) With the goal of attending Metgala, the nation's largest fashion event at the Metropolitan Museum of New York .. Korean Title (제목) 오션스8 Korean Summary(줄거리) 1천 5백억원의 다이아몬드 목걸이를 훔쳐라!과연 목표가 그것뿐일까?전 애인의 배신으로 5년간 감옥에서 썩은 '데비 오션'(산드라 블록)은 가석방되자마자 믿음직한 동료 '루'(케이트 블란쳇)와 함께 새로운 작전을 계획한다.그들의 목표는 바로, 뉴욕 메트로폴리탄 박물관에서 열리는 미국 최대 패션 행사인 메트 갈라에 참석하는 톱.. Replay the movie (오션스8 다시보기 ) replay link #1 replay link #2 replay link #3 replay link #4 Info This site is designed for English users who want to study Korean. Study Korean with interesting movies. All movies are in Korean, or Korean subtitles are provided. How to use Videos are best viewed on the Chrome browser. If the video is slow, pause for a while and press the play button again. If you click the play button of the image, ...

Bwin Land & Co. movie replay

비트윈 랜드 앤 씨 다시보기 한국어 설명 보기 Bwin Land's replay Synopsis There are people gathered for surfing here, where beautiful waves are pouring down the majestic cliffs of La Hinch, in Clare, West of Ireland where the Atlantic Ocean begins. Friendly people who are clumsy to live but who have dreams and love Stay Here! Stay in Ireland Lahinch for a while:) Movie information Basic information Korean audience rating: 4.5 / 10 Genre: documentary, adventure Year of production: 2016 Country: Ireland Running Time: 94 minutes Cast: Jamie Dalton, Ann McLaughlin, Ross Whitaker, Ross Whitaker, Michael Fleming, Andrew Hunter Audience Rating The perfect place to enjoy spectacular scenery and surfing, Rachic! Surfing school and main business, long-distance swimming challenge, farming land, More photos Korean Title (제목) 비트윈 랜드 앤 씨 Korean Summary(줄거리) 대서양이 시작되는 아일랜드 서쪽 클레어 주에 위치한 라힌치.모허 절벽 아래로 아름다운 파도가 쏟아지는 이곳에오로지 서핑을 위해 모여든 사람들이 있다!살아가는 것엔 서툴지만 꿈과...

When the curtain of prayer falls movie replay

기도의 막이 내릴 때 다시보기 한국어 설명 보기 The replay of the curtain of prayer Synopsis Korean Title (제목) 기도의 막이 내릴 때 Korean Summary(줄거리) Replay the movie (기도의 막이 내릴 때 다시보기 ) replay link #1 replay link #2 replay link #3 replay link #4 replay link #5 replay link #6 Info This site is designed for English users who want to study Korean. Study Korean with interesting movies. All movies are in Korean, or Korean subtitles are provided. How to use Videos are best viewed on the Chrome browser. If the video is slow, pause for a while and press the play button again. If you click the play button of the image, the ad may come out. Please close it. Important We are not responsible for any content that is linked or linked to this website or other linked sites. This website does not store media files, such as music, videos, or music. We are also not responsible for copyrighted, legitimate, accurate, compliant, or linked content on other websites. If you have a...

Science, knowledge relay movie replay

과학, 지식 릴레이 다시보기 한국어 설명 보기 Science, knowledge relay replay Synopsis A documentary that conveys a variety of scientific knowledge through relay interviews with scientists studying fundamental problems surrounding human beings and the earth. Movie information Basic information Korean audience rating: 0.0 / 10 Genre: Documentary Year of production: 2018 Country: United States Running time: 92 minutes Jennifer L. McCalloughy, Rachel L. Smith, Ian Cheney, Greg Bushed, Toby Campeon, Derrick Mead, Michael James Murray, Emily Topper, Simon Baines Audience Rating More photos Korean Title (제목) 과학, 지식 릴레이 Korean Summary(줄거리) 인간과 지구를 둘러싸고 있는 근원적 문제를 연구하는 과학자들의 릴레이 인터뷰를 통해 다양한 과학지식을 전달하는 다큐멘터리 Korean Review (평점) 한국 관객 평점 : 0.0 / 10 Korean Rating (후기) Replay the movie (과학, 지식 릴레이 다시보기 ) replay link #1 replay link #2 replay link #3 replay link #4 replay link #5 Info This site is designed for English users who want to study Korean...

The Citizen movie replay

더 시티언 다시보기 한국어 설명 보기 The Citizen replay Synopsis Movie information Basic information Korean audience rating: 0.0 / 10 Genre: Action, Drama Year of production: 2018 Country: Russia Running time: null minutes Cast: Alexei Padeyev, Alexander Kuznetsov, Vitali Kravchenko, Ruth Tammosapir, Yuri Triro, Sergei Selanov, Vadim Golovanov, Rustam Mossapir, Zumitri Karnakic Audience Rating More photos Korean Title (제목) 더 시티언 Korean Summary(줄거리) Korean Review (평점) 한국 관객 평점 : 0.0 / 10 Korean Rating (후기) Replay the movie (더 시티언 다시보기 ) replay link #1 replay link #2 replay link #3 replay link #4 replay link #5 replay link #6 Info This site is designed for English users who want to study Korean. Study Korean with interesting movies. All movies are in Korean, or Korean subtitles are provided. How to use Videos are best viewed on the Chrome browser. If the video is slow, pause for a while and press the play bu...

Leon movie replay

레온 다시보기 한국어 설명 보기 Leon replay Synopsis There is something I did not open my eyes! "Give me back my body!" I have the best figure in the company, but the dispatcher 'Leon' (Kang Ji-young) of Asahina Food, Asahina Leo (Naoto Takenaka) is a successful manager who has led Asahina Foods to the best company ever, but every day she is harassing female employees. Korean Title (제목) 레온 Korean Summary(줄거리) 눈을 뜨니 없던 것이 생겼다!"내 몸 돌려줘!"사내 최고 몸매를 지녔지만 울트라 초특급 소심녀인 '아사히나 식품'의 파견직 '레온'(강지영). 아사히나 식품을 최고의 회사로 이끈 성공한 경영자이지만, 매일 여직원들에게 희롱을 일삼는 변태 사장 '아사히나 레오'(다케나카 나오토).사랑하는 남자에게 버림 받고, 직장도 짤리게 .. Replay the movie (레온 다시보기 ) replay link #1 replay link #2 replay link #3 replay link #4 Info This site is designed for English users who want to study Korean. Study Korean with interesting movies. All movies are in Korean, or Korean subtitles are provided. How to use Videos are best viewed on the Chrome browser. If the ...

Puppet Master: The Little Lister Like movie replay

퍼핏 마스터: 더 리틀리스트 라이크 다시보기 한국어 설명 보기 Puppet Master: The Little Lister Like replay Synopsis Movie information Basic information Korean audience rating: 0.0 / 10 Genre: Fear Year of production: 2018 Country: United Kingdom Running time: null minutes Cast: Jenny Pelisser, Nelson Franklin, Charlene Lee, Michael Pare, Alex Bech, Charles Scythta Jenkins, Barbara Crampton, Udo Kier Audience Rating The movie is made up; I downloaded it from TOTO disk and it is a waste of money. More photos Korean Title (제목) 퍼핏 마스터: 더 리틀리스트 라이크 Korean Summary(줄거리) Korean Review (평점) 한국 관객 평점 : 0.0 / 10 Korean Rating (후기) 영화 만든 꼬라지;; 토토디스크에서 다운받아 봤는데.. 돈아깝네 Replay the movie (퍼핏 마스터: 더 리틀리스트 라이크 다시보기 ) replay link #1 replay link #2 replay link #3 replay link #4 replay link #5 replay link #6 Info This site is designed for English users who want to study Korean. Study Korean with interesting movies. All movies are in Korean, or Kore...

To all the men I loved movie replay

내가 사랑했던 모든 남자들에게 다시보기 한국어 설명 보기 Replay to all the men I love Synopsis A film featuring happiness related to high school girls Movie information Basic information Korean audience rating: 8.0 / 10 Genre: Romance / Melo, drama Year of production: 2018 Country: United States Running time: 99 minutes Cast: Lana Condor, Noah Sentineo, Noah Sentineo, Janel Parish, Israel Brusad, Dougie Cash, Matthew Kaplan, James Lassiter, Brian Robbins Audience Rating I thought the teenage sensibilities had disappeared. I feel like I have seen a genuine comic book from East and West. John Jam is a cliche teen, but he is not at all intrusive, and he has a nice and warm way to solve it. Especially good is that the main characters fall in love with each other and they are completely uncomfortable and natural. The screenplay was delicately crafted and the actors expressed their feelings well. In addition, even though the main character is Korean, there is no racial per...

Taxi 3 movie replay

택시 3 다시보기 한국어 설명 보기 Taxi 3 replay Synopsis Emilian is a cowardly detective who has no plans and no plans. And Daniel, the best bullet taxi driver in Marseille, who hates cops the most and hates politics, society, culture, and the economy. I do not want to, but German gangs and the Japanese Yakuza, the success of the operation of Marseille became a hero, Emilyan and Daniel's crying and piercing operations will begin again! This opponent of Emilian and Daniel are inline skating riders who do not know! The inline skate riders who crossed the city sky and the road quickly as the wind took an emergency to the peaceful Marseille! The Marseille Police Department, Emilian and Daniel once again rallied for the inline skate riders to rush through the city with their colorful extreme sports personalities! Movie information Basic information Korean audience rating: 6.6 / 10 Genre: Comedy, Action Year of production: 2003 Country: France Running time: 84 minutes ...

Newsez movie replay

뉴시즈 다시보기 한국어 설명 보기 Newsez replay Synopsis New York's New Yorkers' late-nineteenth-century union formed a trade union and won a victory in the New York City musical 'New Seeds' Movie information Basic information Korean audience rating: 10.0 / 10 Genre: Musical Year of production: 2017 Country: United States Running time: 128 minutes Andrew Keenan-Bolger, Mark Aldrich, An Quart, Thomas Schumaker, Paul Morphos, Naomi Stevens Audience Rating Jeremy Jordan really believes. ❤ ️ is also called Disney. More photos Korean Title (제목) 뉴시즈 Korean Summary(줄거리) 19세기 말 뉴욕의 신문팔이들이 노동조합을 결성해 악덕 신문사주와 맞서 승리를 쟁취한다는 브로드웨이 뮤지컬 '뉴시즈'의 공연실황 영상물 Korean Review (평점) 한국 관객 평점 : 10.0 / 10 Korean Rating (후기) 제레미 조던 정말 믿고 보네요❤️ 역시 디즈니라는 말이 나오네요 Replay the movie (뉴시즈 다시보기 ) replay link #1 Info This site is designed for English users who want to study Korean. Study Korean with interesting movies. All movies are in Korean...

Tonight, at the Romance Theater movie replay

오늘 밤, 로맨스 극장에서 다시보기 한국어 설명 보기 Tonight, replay at the romance theater Synopsis "If you have a real romance, this world will also shine like a movie." Kenji, a filmmaker, dreams of an old black and white classical movie "Miyuki" One day, when the torrential rains come to light, more film-like things happen to him than movies. " Korean Title (제목) 오늘 밤, 로맨스 극장에서 Korean Summary(줄거리) "만약 진짜 로맨스를 만난다면,이 세계도 영화처럼 빛나 보일 거야."영화감독을 꿈꾸는 '켄지'.우연히 발견한 오래된 흑백 고전 영화 속 '미유키' 공주를 동경하게 된 그는 아무도 없는 극장에 남아 그녀가 나오는 영화를 혼자 감상하는 것이 일상이 된다.폭우가 몰아치던 어느 날, 그에게 영화보다 더 영화 같은 일이 벌어지게 되는.. Replay the movie (오늘 밤, 로맨스 극장에서 다시보기 ) replay link #1 replay link #2 replay link #3 replay link #4 Info This site is designed for English users who want to study Korean. Study Korean with interesting movies. All movies are in Korean, or Korean subtitles are provided. How to use Videos are best viewed on the Chrome browser. If the video...

Demonic: Resurrection of the Dead movie replay

데모닉 : 죽은 자의 부활 다시보기 한국어 설명 보기 Demonics: Resurrection of the dead Synopsis A horror movie that shows the desperate sacrifice and hard work of a father and a young bride to save their daughters from the devil. Movie information Basic information Korean audience rating: 0.0 / 10 Genre: Fear Year of production: 2017 Country: United States Running time: 84 minutes Sherry Davis, Shannon Nedan, Gerald Krum, Michael Crum, Gerald Krum, Michael Crum. Audience Rating More photos Korean Title (제목) 데모닉 : 죽은 자의 부활 Korean Summary(줄거리) 악마로부터 딸을 구해내기 위한 아빠와 젊은 신부의 필사적인 희생과 활약을 보여주는 공포 영화 Korean Review (평점) 한국 관객 평점 : 0.0 / 10 Korean Rating (후기) Replay the movie (데모닉 : 죽은 자의 부활 다시보기 ) replay link #1 replay link #2 replay link #3 replay link #4 Info This site is designed for English users who want to study Korean. Study Korean with interesting movies. All movies are in Korean, or Korean subtitles are provided. How to use Vide...