숲속의 부부 다시보기
Couple replay in the forest
A brutal and sad story of people who have been driven to the end of the world. A fantasy drama that portrays pain and suffering. Korean movie history, the first Korean movie that goes beyond the limits of cheap and taboo!
Movie information
Basic information
- Korean audience rating: 6.3 / 10
- Genre: Fantasy, Drama
- Year of production: 2017
- Country: Korea
- Running time: 105 minutes
- Cast: Kim Sung Min, Golden Hee, Yoon Dong-hwan, Jo Hye-jung, Chun-Hwan Jeon
Audience Rating
- Zero strain on elongation.
- The atmosphere is very different. Quietly makes me think a lot I watched it well
- Director Gyu-hwan's films always look good
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Korean Title (제목)
숲속의 부부
Korean Summary(줄거리)
세상 끝에 내몰린 사람들의 잔인하게 황홀한 슬픈 이야기고통과 아픔을 담아낸 판타지 드라마한국영화사상, 파격과 금기의 한계를 넘어선 최초의 한국영화!
Korean Review (평점)
Korean Rating (후기)
- 늘어진 전개에 긴장감 제로.
- 분위기가 남다른 영화입니다 조용하게 많은것을 생각하게 합니다 잘 보았습니다
- 전규환 감독 영화는 언제나 굿 ㅎㅎㅎ
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(숲속의 부부 다시보기 )
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