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Movie information
Basic information
- Korean audience rating: 5.7 / 10
- Genre: Horror, Thriller, Drama
- Year of production: 2017
- Country: Spain
- Running time: null minutes
- Cast: Anya Taylor - Joey, Charlie Hiton, George McKay, Miagoth, Kyle Soler, Belle Atienza, Alvaro Augustin,
Audience Rating
- A sad horror thriller with carcinogenicity development. A horrible ending that carries out murder and insane Hikikomori is not easy to accept, but the acting of young actors was good
- Leading well with mall input.
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Korean Title (제목)
Korean Summary(줄거리)
Korean Review (평점)
Korean Rating (후기)
- 발암성 전개를 갖춘 슬픈 공포 스릴러 .. 살인을 하고 제정신이 아닌 히키코모리를 감싸주는 엽기적인 엔딩은 받아들이기가 쉽지 않지만 어린 배우들의 연기는 좋았습니다
- 몰입력 있게 잘 이끌어가는..
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