맘 앤 대드 다시보기
Mom & dad replay
Movie information
Basic information
- Korean audience rating: 5.0 / 10
- Genre: Fear, Thriller
- Year of production: 2017
- Country: United States
- Running time: null minutes
- Cast: Nicolas Cage, Selma Blair, Anne Winters, Joseph D. Lightman, Olivia Crocia, Zachary Arthur, Christopher Rumol, Tim Zaharros, Nate Ballotin
Audience Rating
- The rag sucks the rag
- Hull ,,,,,, my son killing the electromagnetic wave virus ,,, killing time is funny ,,,, in the ending, but ,,,,, I see ,,,,,
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Korean Title (제목)
맘 앤 대드
Korean Summary(줄거리)
Korean Review (평점)
Korean Rating (후기)
- 걸 레는 빨아도 걸 레
- 헐,,,,,,자식죽이는 전자파 바이러스,,,,킬링타임으로 재미네여,,,,앤딩에서 좀 그렇치만,,,,,볼만 합니다,,,,
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(맘 앤 대드 다시보기 )
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