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The man who had lost his voice and who was behind the violence. To find his missing girlfriend, there is only one way to fight the underground forces that control the future of Berlin.
Movie information
Basic information
- Korean audience rating: 6.0 / 10
- Genre: Mystery, SF, Thriller
- Year of production: 2017
- Country: United Kingdom
- Running time: 125 minutes
- Cast: Alexander Scarsgard, Paul Rudd, Justin Surlux, Gilbert Owert, Robert Shihan, Stuart Feenagan, Charles J.D. Schiller Cell, Michael Robert Johnson, Duncan Jones
Audience Rating
- I can not see anything other than a brilliant makeup and cg ,,: just boring,
- Impressive of the latter scenes
- Scarsgard
- When you make it, you are opening it!
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Korean Title (제목)
Korean Summary(줄거리)
목소리마저 상실한 채 폭력으로 얼룩진 과거를 뒤로했던 남자. 그런 그가 실종된 여자친구를 찾기 위해선 미래의 베를린을 조종하는 지하세력과 싸우는 길밖에 없다.
Korean Review (평점)
Korean Rating (후기)
- 화려한 분장과 cg외엔 그닥 볼께 없다,,: 그저 지루하다,
- 중반부까지 보면서 지루함이 찾아왔고 혹시 후반부에 묵직한 메시지가 있나 기대했는데 역시나 동화책에서나 나올법한 마무리였다.
- 후반부씬들에 인상적이었음
- 스카스가드
- 만들면 개봉하는거다!!
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