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The Deep Blue movie replay

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More Deep Blue replay

Deep Blue


A lethal encounter between two men and women who wanted to love each other. Having sustained a frustrating marriage with her husband, William, she meets Freddie, a freewheeling and passionate man, and falls in love at first sight. She can not stop her mind even after William finds out. Eventually deepening wealth leads to an unstoppable attachment, and fatal love begins to perish.

Movie information

Basic information

  • Korean audience rating: 7.1 / 10
  • Genre: Romance / Melo
  • Year of production: 2011
  • Country: United States
  • Running Time: 98 minutes
  • Sarah Canton, Barbara Jefferson, Shawn O'Connor, Kate Okburn, Rachel Weiss, Tom Hiddleston, Simon Russellville, Anne Mitchell,

Audience Rating

  • Like
  • I saw a good work in the tide. It's a good word for high-quality words that are great for video and music. I liked the playful point too. It is a trap that the third speaker on the left side of the theater 1 is G-gle distance.
  • Deep
  • It's very heavy.
  • Passion, temperance, love, and deepening anxiety become luxuries before the hostess's devoted love. I just envy the generosity and generosity of Sir William.

More photos

Deep Blue movie image 1

Deep Blue movie image 2

Deep Blue movie image 3

Deep Blue movie image 4

Deep Blue movie image 5

Korean Title (제목)

더 딥 블루 씨

Korean Summary(줄거리)

서로 다른 사랑을 원했던 두 남녀의 치명적 만남!정열과 자유보다는 절제와 노력을 배우고 자란 여인 '헤스터'. 남편 '윌리엄'과 답답한 결혼 생활을 이어가고 있던 그녀는 자유분방하고 열정적인 남자 '프레디'을 만나 첫 눈에 사랑에 빠진다. '윌리엄'이 사실을 알게 된 후에도 마음을 멈출 수 없는 그녀. 결국 깊어져 가는 소유욕은 멈출 수 없는 집착을 낳고, 치명적 사랑은 파멸로 치닫기 시작한다. 이미 격정적 사랑의 소용돌이에 휘말린 '헤스터', 그녀는 결코 이 감정에서 벗어 날 수 없음을 깨닫는데..

Korean Review (평점)

  • 한국 관객 평점 : 7.1 / 10
  • Korean Rating (후기)

    • 좋아요
    • 간만에 좋은 작품 보았네요. 훌륭한 영상과 음악이 멋드러지게 어울리는 고품격이라는 단어가 어울리는 영홥니다. 연극스러운 점도 맘에 들고요. 대x극장 1관 좌측3번째 스피커가 G-gle 거리는게 함정
    • 깊네
    • 굉장히 무겁네요..
    • 열정과 절제, 사랑과 이성 깊어지는 고민은 하숙집 여주인의 헌신적 사랑앞에 사치가 된다. 윌리엄경 같은 관대함과 아량이 부럽기만 할뿐.

    Replay the movie

    (더 딥 블루 씨 다시보기 )

    1. replay link #1
    2. replay link #2


    This site is designed for English users who want to study Korean.

    Study Korean with interesting movies.

    All movies are in Korean, or Korean subtitles are provided.

    How to use

    • Videos are best viewed on the Chrome browser.
    • If the video is slow, pause for a while and press the play button again.
    • If you click the play button of the image, the ad may come out. Please close it.


    We are not responsible for any content that is linked or linked to this website or other linked sites.

    This website does not store media files, such as music, videos, or music.

    We are also not responsible for copyrighted, legitimate, accurate, compliant, or linked content on other websites.

    If you have a legal issue, please contact the appropriate media file owner or hosting company.


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