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Anang movie replay

인랑 다시보기

한국어 설명 보기

Intrepid replay



After the declaration of the five-year plan by the South and North Korean government to prepare for the reunification, the economic sanctions of the great powers continued, and the welfare of the people was worsened. In 2029, , A new police organization under the presidency established to suppress the 'Sect' takes control of the government. The secret service of the intelligence agency, which has a reduced position, is plotting to eradicate the 'special talent'. There are rumors about the bloody interstate between the power organizations and the secret organization of the 'special talent'.

Movie information

Basic information

  • Korean audience rating: 4.9 / 10
  • Genre: SF, action
  • Year of production: 2018
  • Country: Korea
  • Running time: 139 minutes
  • Cast: Kang Dong Won, Han Hyo-joo, Jung Woo Sung, Kim Moo-yeol, Han Han Lee, Choi Min Ho, Shin Eun Soo,

Audience Rating

  • $ 19.2 billion where is the worst movie scenario this year?
  • Han Hyo-ju ruins and Kang Dong-won goes to fortress Japan, but every movie that comes out is getting ridiculous and what is the contents .. ㅠ ㅠ 1 point too much
  • Did the jam
  • Jung Woo Sung defends the refugee movie,
  • Loyalty Magazu ah ~! A movie with a pre-determined size !!!!!

More photos

Cinema Image 1

Image 2

Inang Film Image 3

Cinema image 4

Cinema image 5

Korean Title (제목)


Korean Summary(줄거리)

남북한 정부가 통일준비 5개년 계획을 선포한 후, 강대국의 경제 제재가 이어지고, 민생이 악화되는 등 지옥 같은 시간이 이어지고 있는 혼돈의 2029년.통일에 반대하는 반정부 무장테러단체 '섹트'가 등장하자 '섹트'를 진압하기 위해 설립된 대통령 직속의 새로운 경찰조직 '특기대'가 정국의 주도권을 장악한다. 이에 입지가 줄어든 정보기관 '공안부'는 '특기대'를 말살할 음모를 꾸민다.절대 권력기관 간의 피비린내 나는 암투 사이, '특기대' 내 비밀조직 '인랑'에 대한 소문이 떠도는데…늑대로 불린 인간병기 '인랑'​

Korean Review (평점)

  • 한국 관객 평점 : 4.9 / 10
  • Korean Rating (후기)

    • 190억 어디쓴거지 올해 최악의 영화 시나리오 연기 기꽝
    • 한효주가 망치고 강동원은 요새 일본에 미쳤나 나오는 영화마다 점점 졸작으로 치닫고 내용은 뭔지.. ㅠㅠ 1점도 아까운
    • 잼나요
    • 정우성이 난민 옹호하는 얘기 꺼내서 망한 영화
    • 충성 마 가즈아~! 역대급 잼있는 영화!!!!!

    Replay the movie

    (인랑 다시보기 )

    1. replay link #1
    2. replay link #2
    3. replay link #3
    4. replay link #4
    5. replay link #5


    This site is designed for English users who want to study Korean.

    Study Korean with interesting movies.

    All movies are in Korean, or Korean subtitles are provided.

    How to use

    • Videos are best viewed on the Chrome browser.
    • If the video is slow, pause for a while and press the play button again.
    • If you click the play button of the image, the ad may come out. Please close it.


    We are not responsible for any content that is linked or linked to this website or other linked sites.

    This website does not store media files, such as music, videos, or music.

    We are also not responsible for copyrighted, legitimate, accurate, compliant, or linked content on other websites.

    If you have a legal issue, please contact the appropriate media file owner or hosting company.


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